Fitting Out

The internal fitting out market is awash with a variety of contractors who promoting themselves as relocation specialists or project managers rather than contractors, often offering a design and build service with an 'open book' approach to project costs. However it must be remembered that, whatever the packaging these are contractors and not independent project managers.

Even though the sums involved may be significant, unrepresented clients are frequently led into contracts on very basic terms, often simply by an exchange of letters, for works that are vague and without the client having a detailed understanding of what is (and is not) included. It is often found late in the project that items that the client thought were included are not and ‘open book’ does not guarantee value for money. Where contracts are more detailed, these are often prepared by the fit-out contractor on their terms and, when dispute occurs, the client has inadequate contractual protection.

Like all building works, fitting out projects should be managed independently by a project manager appointed by the client. Unlike a fitting out contractor pretending to be independent, the project manager will have the sole interests of the client at heart and will not be influenced by maximising profit from the works.

The project manager should be appointed at the earliest stage possible – preferably before any decisions are made as to whether to acquire a building or replan existing space and should be involved throughout space audit, feasibility and acquisition stages as well as being able to offer advice in respect of budget costs, procurement routes and programme.

Once the project brief is determined, the project manager will co-ordinate the detailed space planning, design and specification, contractor selection, tendering and appointment as well as ensuring that all necessary consents are obtained (including planning and building regulations and landlord’s approval) and manage furniture and I.T integration.
bspm service :

  • Agree client's brief – whether relocation, expansion or rationalisation – and understand detailed requirements
  • Co-ordination of acquisition phase including agents, surveys and legals
  • Co-ordination of space audit
  • Project management and CDM services as set out in Project Management section including: Building works and M&E, Furniture, I.T. integration, Specialist installations (catering, audio visual, client production infrastructure, etc.)
  • Relocation co-ordination & management

Basis of Fees

Generally charged as a percentage of the cost of the project depending upon scope and size of project.